Line of Lekë III Dukagjini
Lekë (Lecca) Dukagjini, his son Kolë (Niccolo) and his sons Leka (Lecca) and Progon/Ahmed as described in Genealogia d'Ιmperatori Romani et Constantinopolitani et de regi prencipi et signori (1552)
The line of Lekë III Dukagjini includes all modern-day Dukagjini via the Dukaginzade line, descendants of his grandson Dukaginzade Ahmed (Progon) Pasha, son of Kolë (Niccolo) Dukagjini. His brother Lecca was born in Italy and they both settled in the Ottoman Empire and converted to Islam. Lecca (Lekë) took the name Mahmud. In Italy, he may have had several descendants. Otherwise these Dukagjini represent other descendants of the Dukagjini in Italy. Because of the unclear position of these members of the family in the genealogy their relation to Lecca/Mahmud is marked with a white stripe.
The other son of Lekë III, Stefano lived in central Italy. No descendants of Stefano have been tracked down after the 16th century. They must have included a Francesco Ducagini, captain of the guard of Rome in 1571 and a Pompeo Ducaginni who lived in Penne, Abruzzo in 1600.
Entry about Pompeo Ducaginni in the cadaster of Penne, Abruzzo, 1600